Evolution of IGI 2000-2021

Evolution of IGI Games 2000-2021 | IGI 3 Game | IGI Origins 2021 | History of IGI Games | I am going in evolution

IGI Series Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4daxDnCe_o&list=PLZScJyEz2-V1I6tfEvS5N5b4xxky-yjzY

Hi and welcome to Game_track. This video shows how the graphics of IGI games have evolved over the past few years. All the gameplay clips shown in this video were recorded by me using nvidia shadowplay. I hope that this video will be helpful for you. Thanks for Watching!

► Evolution of Project IGI games

1. Project IGI 2000
Platform - Microsoft Windows

2. IGI 2: Covert Strike
Platform - Microsoft Windows, Xbox, Macintosh operating systems

3. IGI Origins 2020 or 2021
Platform - Microsoft Windows
IGI Origins on Steam - https://ckk.ai/zX5KzCSQ

► Check out my Official Website for more content - http://www.gametrackofficial.com

►IGI ORIGINS TRAILER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOh0VvNKXX0
Except igi origins, all the gameplay clips shown in this video were recorded by me using shadowplay

⚫ My Official Social Links -

► Official Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialGametrack/
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*I am the creator of this video and I own all rights to it!*

Thanks for Watching!

Дата на публикация: 21 февруари, 2023
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: of Evolution igi 2000-2021