The Wild Pacific - Gigantic Ocean Teeming With Life | Free Documentary Nature

The Wild Pacific - Gigantic Ocean Teeming With Life | Ocean Documentary

Watch 'Adventure Ocean Quest: Discovering Another World' here:

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on earth, bordering all other oceans. The Pacific Coast stretches across New Zealand, Australia, East Asia and the west coast of North and South America.

On November 28, 1520, Ferdinand Magellan, coming from the Strait of Magellan, reached the Pacific Ocean on his circumnavigation of the world. He named it Mar Pacifico (Portuguese & Spanish for Peaceful Sea) because the storms that had accompanied him until then subsided. Despite this name, the Pacific also experiences violent storms and hurricanes.

The Pacific Ocean lies between the Arctic to the north, North America to the northeast, Central America to the east, South America to the southeast, Antarctica to the south, Australia to the southwest, Oceania to the west, and Asia to the northwest. In the north it borders on the Arctic Ocean and in the southwest on the Indian Ocean and in the south on the Southern Ocean, which lies south of the 60th parallel.

The Pacific Pole of Inaccessibility (Point Nemo), the point furthest from the mainland and islands, is located in the South Pacific between New Zealand and Chile.


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Дата на публикация: 13 февруари, 2023
Категория: Животни
Ключови думи: The free Life Wild with nature ocean documentary pacific teeming Gigantic