Crows Troll Cats, Dogs, Rats And Even Snakes...

Ravens And Crows Pranking And Teasing Other Animals!
People often confuse ravens and crows, but these are two different species, which in fact look pretty similar. They differ in size and beak shape. Ravens have thicker and stronger beaks. Ravens are loners, they inhabit areas far from cities and large congregations of people. Crows, on the other hand, can be found in any city or town. Crows and ravens don’t get along, and a mob of crows can even attack a lone raven.
We most often come across gray and black crows in our cities and confuse them with ravens, which is wrong. But both these species have one thing common – they’re wise, smart and curious. They’re so intelligent, that they can sometimes prank or make fun of other animals. And that’s exactly what we’re going to be looking at in our today’s episode.
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Дата на публикация: 13 февруари, 2023
Категория: Животни
Ключови думи: and Cats Dogs Even Troll Crows Rats Snakes...

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