Top 1000 Songs From Movies (Part 1)

These are in no particular order!
Included are:
Pop songs featured in movies,
Songs written for & in movies,
Alternate versions of songs from/in movies,
Covers for songs from movies,
Movie scores,
Songs relevant to film & cinema.

I work in a cinema and have been putting together as big of a playlist as I could for the music in the foyer & in auditoriums before anything's on-screen. I've almost reached 1000 songs, so decided to put together this video series. The music is grouped vaguely in the order they were added to the playlist, from first to most recent.

Дата на публикация: 4 февруари, 2023
Категория: Музика
Ключови думи: From 1) TOP 1000 (Part songs Movies

Anči - Brodolom 03:32
Anči - Brodolom
24 гледания