Gilles Hainault 💓️ 'Chant d'Amour' 💓️ 🎵 ♛~╰⊱♡⊱╮¨¨˜"°º ¸.•´ ¸.•*´¨) ♛~ Gilles de Binchois or Bins (c. 1400 – September 20, 1460), was a Franco-Flemish composer, one of the earliest members of the Burgundian School, and one of the three most famous composers of the early 15th century. While often ranked behind his contemporaries Guillaume Dufay and John Dunstable, at least by contemporary scholars, his influence was arguably greater than either, since his works were cited, borrowed and used as source material more often than those by any other composer of the time.
He was probably from Mons, the son of Jean and Johanna de Binche, who may have been from the nearby town of Binche. His father was a councillor to Duke Guillaume IV of Hainault, and also had a position in a church in Mons. Nothing is known about Gilles until 1419, when he became organist at the church of Ste. Waudru in Mons. In 1423 went to live in Lille. Around this time he may have been a soldier in the service of the Burgundians, or perhaps the English Earl of Suffolk, as indicated by a line in the memorial motet written on his death by Ockeghem.
Sometime near the end of the 1420s he joined the court chapel of Burgundy, and by the time of his motet Nove cantum melodie (1431) he was evidently a singer there, since the text of the motet itself lists all 19 singers.
He retired to Soignes, evidently with a substantial pension for his long years of excellent service to the Burgundian court.
Music and influence
Binchois is often considered to be the finest melodist of the 15th century, writing carefully shaped lines which are easy to sing, and utterly memorable; his tunes continued to appear in copies decades later, and were often used as sources for mass composition by later composers. Most of his music, even his sacred music, is simple and clear in outline, sometimes even ascetic; a greater contrast between Binchois and the extreme complexity of the ars subtilior of the previous century would be hard to imagine. Most of his secular songs are rondeaux, which had become the commonest song form of the century; but Binchois rarely writes simple strophic form, instead shaping his melody almost independent of the rhyme scheme of the verse.
Binchois wrote music for the court, secular songs of love and chivalry, music that was expected by the Dukes of Burgundy and that was evidently loved by them.
Жил дьо Биншоа или Бин (ок. 1400 – 20 септември 1460) е френско-фламандски композитор, един от най-ранните членове на бургундската школа и един от тримата най-известни композитори от началото на 15 век. Макар че често се класира зад своите съвременници Гийом Дюфай и Джон Дънстейбъл, поне от съвременните учени, влиянието му е може би по-голямо от двете, тъй като произведенията му са цитирани, заимствани и използвани като изходен материал по-често от тези от всеки друг композитор от онова време.
Вероятно е от Монс, синът на Жан и Йохана де Бинш, който може да е от близкия град Бинш. Баща му е бил съветник на херцог Гийом IV от Ено, а също така е имал длъжност в църква в Монс. Нищо не се знае за Жил до 1419 г., когато става органист в църквата Св. Waudru в Монс. През 1423 г. отива да живее в Лил. Приблизително по това време той може да е бил войник на служба на бургундците или може би на английския граф на Съфолк, както е посочено от ред в мемориалния мотет, написан при смъртта му от Окегем.
Някъде към края на 1420-те той се присъединява към придворния параклис на Бургундия и по времето на своя мотет Nove cantum melodie (1431) той очевидно е певец там, тъй като текстът на самия мотет изброява всичките 19 певци.
Той се пенсионира в Soignes, очевидно със значителна пенсия за дългите си години отлична служба в бургундския двор.
Дата на публикация: 12 юни, 2022
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