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Роден да докосва чувствата ти ~ Scorpions Born To Touch Your Feelings
corpions - Born To Touch Your Feelings
I was born from the sound of the strings
For someone to give everything
To be a song just for your feeling
Close your eyes and I'll try to get in
To waken your heart like the spring
'cos I was born to touch your feelings
Steal the time, take a song and be glad
Be free as the birds, don't be sad
Your time will come. I'll make you feel it
You're still young like the sun after rain
Follow the light, it's not in vain
And you will see I'll touch your feelings.
You've got your songs, they are everyday
For a while, just the only way
To feel allright...
You were born just to lose or to win
To be someone's child in the wind
To live between your mind and feelings
Find your way, check it out, learn each day
Follow the light , it's not in vain
And you will see I'll touch your feelings.
You've got your songs, they are everyday
For a while. just the only way
To feel allright ...
Роден да докосва твоите чувствата ти
Дойдох на този свят от звука на струните,
за да дам на някого всичко,
да стана песен за твоите чувства.
Затвори очи, ще се опитам да проникна,
като пролетта съpцето ти да събудя,
защото съм роден да докосвам чувствата ти.
Открадни от времето, радвай се, вземи песента,
бъди свободна като птиците, не тъжи.
Ще дойде време, ще те накарам да го усетиш...
Още си така млада, като слънце след дъжда...
Следвай светлината, вярвай, не е напразно
и ще видиш, ще докосна чувствата ти...
Имаш песните си, те са ти ежедневие
за известно време. Просто единственият начин
да се чувстваш добре...
Родена си просто да губиш или печелиш.
да бъдеш във вятъра нечие дете,
да живееш между чувствата и ума...
Търси своя път, провери го, учи се всеки ден.
Следвай светлината, вярвай, не е напразно.
И ще видиш, ще докосна чувствата ти...
Имаш песните си, те са ти ежедневие
за известно време. Просто единственият начин
да се чувстваш добре...
I was born from the sound of the strings
For someone to give everything
To be a song just for your feeling
Close your eyes and I'll try to get in
To waken your heart like the spring
'cos I was born to touch your feelings
Steal the time, take a song and be glad
Be free as the birds, don't be sad
Your time will come. I'll make you feel it
You're still young like the sun after rain
Follow the light, it's not in vain
And you will see I'll touch your feelings.
You've got your songs, they are everyday
For a while, just the only way
To feel allright...
You were born just to lose or to win
To be someone's child in the wind
To live between your mind and feelings
Find your way, check it out, learn each day
Follow the light , it's not in vain
And you will see I'll touch your feelings.
You've got your songs, they are everyday
For a while. just the only way
To feel allright ...
Дата на публикация: 11 януари, 2022
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