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Вижте красотата на Ваденско море!!! Честваме Ваденско море с Google Doodle! - Национален парк Wadden Sea

Ваденско море (на датски: Vadehavet; на немски: Wattenmeer; на нидерландски: Waddenzee; на западнофризийски: Waadsee; на северен фризски: di Heef) е интертидална зона в югоизточната част на Северно море.Честване на Ваденско море - Национален парк Wadden Sea с Google! Wadden Sea World Heritage Site - A unique experience Намира се между брега на североизточна континентална Европа и ниските Фризийски острови, образувайки плитък водоем с плитчини и влажни зони. Има голямо биоразнообразие и е важна област както за размножаването, така и за миграцията на птиците. През 2009 г. германските и нидерландските части от Ваденско море са включени в списъка на световното културно и природно наследство на ЮНЕСКО, а датските части са включени през 2014 г.[1][2]

Ваденско море се простира от Ден Хелдер в северозападната част на Нидерландия, покрай големите естуари на Германия до Дания, обхващайки брегова линия от около 500 km и обща площ около 10 000 km2. В Нидерландия е граничи с Ейселмер и Афсльойтдейк. В миналото крайбрежните райони са подлагани многократно на големи наводнения, водещи до хиляди жертви. Някои от тях значително променят бреговата линия.[3][4] Поради тази причина, в областта са изградени множество диги, които я нареждат сред най-променените от човека местообитания на планетата.The Wadden Sea is the largest unbroken system of intertidal sand and mud flats in the world. The site covers the Dutch Wadden Sea Conservation Area, the German Wadden Sea National Parks of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, and most of the Danish Wadden Sea maritime conservation area. It is a large, temperate, relatively flat coastal wetland environment, formed by the intricate interactions between physical and biological factors that have given rise to a multitude of transitional habitats with tidal channels, sandy shoals, sea-grass meadows, mussel beds, sandbars, mudflats, salt marshes, estuaries, beaches and dunes. The area is home to numerous plant and animal species, including marine mammals such as the harbour seal, grey seal and harbour porpoise. Wadden Sea is one of the last remaining large-scale, intertidal ecosystems where natural processes continue to function largely undisturbed.
e is reliant on the Wadden Sea.


The boundaries of the extended property include all of the habitat types, features and processes that exemplify a natural and dynamic Wadden Sea, extending from the Netherlands to Germany to Denmark. This area includes all of the Wadden Sea ecosystems, and is of sufficient size to maintain critical ecological processes and to protect key features and values.

The property is subject to a comprehensive protection, management and monitoring regime which is supported by adequate human and financial resources. Human use and influences are well regulated with clear and agreed targets. Activities that are incompatible with its conservation have either been banned, or are heavily regulated and monitored to ensure they do not impact adversely on the property. As the property is surrounded by a significant population and contains human uses, the continued priority for the protection and conservation of the Wadden Sea is an important feature of the planning and regulation of use, including within land/water-use plans, the provision and regulation of coastal defences, maritime traffic and drainage. Key threats requiring ongoing attention include fisheries activities, developing and maintaining harbours, industrial facilities surrounding the property including oil and gas rigs and wind farms, maritime traffic, residential and tourism development and impacts from climate change.

Protection and management requirements

Maintaining the hydrological and ecological processes of the contiguous tidal flat system of the Wadden Sea is an overarching requirement for the protection and integrity of this property. Therefore conservation of marine, coastal and freshwater ecosystems through the effective management of protected areas, including marine no-take zones, is essential. The effective management of the property also needs to ensure an ecosystem approach that integrates the management of the existing protected areas with other key activities occurring in the property, including fisheries, shipping and tourism.

The Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation provides the overall framework and structure for integrated conservation and management of the property as a whole and coordination between all three States Parties. Comprehensive protection measures are in place within each State. Specific expectations for the long-term conservation and management of this property include maintaining and enhancing the level of financial and human resources required for the effective management of the property. Research, monitoring and assessment of the protected areas that make up the property also require adequate resources to be provided. Maintenance of consultation and participatory approaches in planning and management of the property is needed to reinforce the support and commitment from local communities and NGOs to the conservation and management of the property. The State Parties should also maintain their commitment of not allowing oil and gas exploration and exploitation within the boundaries of the property. Any development projects, such as planned wind farms in the North Sea, should be subject of rigorous Environmental Impacts Assessments to avoid any impacts to the values and integrity of the property.

Дата на публикация: 30 юни, 2021
Субтитри от: Sibylla
Категория: История и нации
Ключови думи: Google Море На национален Вижте Sea Красотата парк Честваме Doodle! Ваденско Wadden море!!!

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