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Текст -Колко си прекрасна rumina_06 и FrozenHell 👑 How Wonderful You Are ♛ Susan Wong ~ ♛ ПРЕВОД
I go out most nights Attracted by the lights
Listen to the jazz in Harry's Bar
And I know it won't be long
Before they play that song
Do you know how wonderful you are
It's a sentimental sound Make me wanna fool around
With somebody who is wishing on a star
I'll pull my hat down low Go up and say hello
Do you know how wonderful you are
Oh we struggle with the art of conversation
* (I've always struggled with the art of conversation)
And there'll be those for whom this song has no appeal
But I know it works for me And I'm sure you will agree
That it illustrates exactly how I feel
# Things can happen fast Some things are built to last
I've seen it all go down in Harry's Bar
Though we've only just begun This sure will run and run
Do you know how wonderful you are
Do you know how wonderful you are
Do you know how wonderful you are
I go out most nights
Attracted by the lights
Listen to the jazz in Harry's bar
And I know it won't be long
Before they play that song
Do you know how wonderful you are?
It's a sentimental sound
Make me wanna fool around
With somebody who is wishing on a star
I pull my hat down low
Go up and say hello
Do you know how wonderful you are?
Always struggled with the art of conversation
And they'll be those for whom this song has no appeal
But I know it works for me
And I'm sure u will agree
That It illustrates exactly how I feel
Things can happen fast
Some things are built to last
I've seen it all go down in Harry's bar
Though we've only just begun
This show will run and run
Do you know how wonderful you are?
I've always struggled with the art of conversation
And they'll be those for whom this song has no appeal
But I know it works for me
And I'm sure you will agree
That it illustrates exactly how I feel
Things can happen fast
Some things are built to last
I've seen it all go down in Harry's bar
Though we've only just begun
This show will run and run
Do you know how wonderful you are?
Do you know how wonderful you are?
Do you know how wonderful you are?
Излизам повечето нощи Привлечени от светлините
Слушайте джаза в бара на Хари
И знам, че няма да е дълго
Преди да пуснат тази песен
Знаете ли колко сте прекрасни
Това е сантиментален звук, карайте ме да се заблуждавам
С някой, който желае звезда
Ще си сваля шапката надолу. Качи се и поздрави
Знаете ли колко сте прекрасни
О, ние се борим с изкуството на разговор
* (Винаги съм се борил с изкуството на разговор)
И ще има такива, за които тази песен не е привлекателна
Но знам, че ми работи и съм сигурен, че ще се съгласите
Че илюстрира как точно се чувствам
# Нещата могат да се случат бързо Някои неща са създадени да траят
Виждал съм как всичко слиза в бара на Хари
Въпреки че едва сега започнахме, това със сигурност ще работи и ще работи
Знаете ли колко сте прекрасни
Знаете ли колко сте прекрасни
Знаете ли колко сте прекрасни
Дата на публикация: 23 май, 2021
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