Five Berlin natives finished up ALBA's biggest EuroLeague win ever!

Jonas Mattisseck substituting Jayson Granger with 3:17 minutes left in ALBA Berlin's Round 13 win against Fenerbahce Beko Istanbul last Thursday may not have seemed like a big deal.

But it was if you're from the German capital.

Mattisseck was joining Maodo Lo, Malte Delow, Niels Giffey and Tim Schneider on the court. All five are natives of Berlin, and to see them fill the court together was a watershed moment.

In this day and age of global basketball, the final 197 seconds of Thursday's victory showed that home-grown talent has a strong place in the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague.

Дата на публикация: 18 декември, 2020
Категория: Друго

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