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Mascha Kaleko Google Doodle 2020 - Поетесата Маша Калеко Честваме Маша Калеко с Гугъл

Mascha Kaleko Google Doodle 2020 - Маша Калеко Честваме Маша Калеко с Гугъл.Днешният Doodle, илюстриран от базираната в Хамбург художничка Рамона Ринг, празнува германско-еврейската поетеса Маша Калеко, чиито проницателни стихове и шансони спечелиха забележителното й признание сред литературния авангард през 30-те години на миналия век Берлин На този ден през 1974 г. Калеко проведе финала си четене в мемориалната библиотека на Америка в Берлин Маша Калеко е родена Голда Малка Ауфен през 1907 г. в Шидлоу, Галисия, в днешна Южна Полша. С избухването на Първата световна война тя и семейството й избягаха от страната за Германия и в крайна сметка направиха нов дом в Берлин през 1918 г. Като тийнейджър тя започва да пише поезия и в рамките на няколко години постига ниво на знаменитост, тъй като вестниците започват да публикуват нейната работа в цялата столица В стихотворението на Калеко „Das Bißchen Ruhm“ („Малко слава“, 2003) тя метафорично пише за славата си като растения, които трябва да се поддържат с ежедневна грижа, концепция, отразена в илюстрацията на днешния Doodle. В началото на 30-те години Калеко е утвърдена фигура сред Берлин литературен авангард Тя често може да бъде намерена дълбоко в разговорите в кафенето Romanische, емблематичното бохемско средище, посещавано от забележителни съвременници като Else Lasker-Schüler и Erich Kästner. През 1933 г. тя публикува първата си книга „Das Lyrische Stenogrammheft“ ( „Лиричната стенографска подложка“), последвана две години по-късно от „Kleine Lesebuch für Große” („Малкият читател за възрастни”) Работата на Калеко остроумно улови същността на ежедневния градски живот по време на здрача на Ваймарската република и чрез сатиричен стихове изследват тежки теми като социална несправедливост и изгнание След близо две десетилетия, прекарани в Съединените щати, Калеко се установява в Израел и продължава да пише поезия до края на живота си Гост-изпълнител Въпроси и отговори с Рамона Ринг Днес Doodle е илюстриран от базирания в Хамбург художник Рамона Пръстен

Въпрос: Какви бяха първите ви мисли, когато се обърнахте за проекта? О: Чувствах се развълнуван; Обичам да чета поезия, особено от жени, с удоволствие се гмурнах в често мрачния, понякога горчив свят, създаден от Маша. Също така открих, че е чудесно съвпадение, че Маша и аз споделяме един и същи рожден ден облаци в „Die frühen Jahre”: облаците бяха метафора за трудностите, които тя трябваше да изтърпи още като малко дете Това са елементите, които черпих от нейната поезия, които вдъхновиха произведението на Doodle
Въпрос: Какво послание се надявате хората да отнемат от вашата Doodle? A: Че е възможно да се преодолеят много трудни обстоятелства и да станете издръжливи в лицето на отчаянието. Ранни концепции и скици на DoodleToday’s Doodle, illustrated by Hamburg-based guest artist Ramona Ring, celebrates the German-Jewish poet Mascha Kaléko, whose incisive poems and chansons earned her notable acclaim among the literary avant-garde in 1930s Berlin On this day in 1974, Kaléko held her final reading in Berlin’s America Memorial Library Mascha Kaléko was born Golda Malka Aufen in 1907 in Schidlow, Galicia, in what is today southern Poland With the outbreak of World War I, she and her family fled the country for Germany and eventually made a new home in Berlin in 1918 As a teenager, she began to write poetry, and within several years, she achieved a level of celebrity as newspapers began publishing her work throughout the capital In Kaléko’s poem “Das Bißchen Ruhm” (“A Little Bit of Glory,” 2003) she metaphorically wrote of her fame as plants that must be maintained with daily care, a concept reflected in the illustration of today's Doodle By the early 1930s, Kaléko was an established figure among Berlin’s literary avant-garde She could often be found deep in conversation at the Romanische Café, the iconic bohemian hub frequented by notable contemporaries like Else Lasker-Schüler and Erich Kästner In 1933, she published her first book, “Das Lyrische Stenogrammheft” (“The Lyrical Shorthand Pad”), followed two years later by “Kleine Lesebuch für Große” (“The Little Reader for Grown-Ups”) Kaléko’s work wittily captured the essence of daily urban life during the twilight of the Weimar Republic and through satirical verses explored weighty themes like social injustice and exile After nearly two decades spent in the United States, Kaléko settled in Israel and continued to write poetry for the rest of her life Guest Artist Q&A with Ramona RingToday’s Doodle was illustrated by Hamburg-based guest artist Ramona Ring

Q: What were your first thoughts when you were approached about the project?A: I felt excited; I love reading poetry, especially by women I was happy to dive into the often dark, sometimes bittersweet world Mascha created Also I found it to be a delightful coincidence that Mascha and I share the same birthday I also liked how she talked about leaning against rain clouds in "Die frühen Jahre”: the clouds were a metaphor for the hardship she had to endure already as a young child Those are the elements I drew from her poetry that inspired the Doodle artwork

Q: What message do you hope people take away from your Doodle?A: That it is possible to overcome very difficult circumstances and grow resilient in the face of despair I think expressing yourself through art is one of the most healing things you can engage in Early concepts and sketches of the Doodle

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Today’s Doodle, illustrated by Hamburg-based guest artist Ramona Ring, celebrates the German-Jewish poet Mascha Kaléko, whose incisive poems and chansons earned her notable acclaim among the literary avant-garde in 1930s Berlin On this day in 1974, Kaléko held her final reading in Berlin’s America Memorial Library Mascha Kaléko was born Golda Malka Aufen in 1907 in Schidlow, Galicia, in what is today southern Poland With the outbreak of World War I, she and her family fled the country for Germany and eventually made a new home in Berlin in 1918 As a teenager, she began to write poetry, and within several years, she achieved a level of celebrity as newspapers began publishing her work throughout the capital In Kaléko’s poem “Das Bißchen Ruhm” (“A Little Bit of Glory,” 2003) she metaphorically wrote of her fame as plants that must be maintained with daily care, a concept reflected in the illustration of today's Doodle By the early 1930s, Kaléko was an established figure among Berlin’s literary avant-garde She could often be found deep in conversation at the Romanische Café, the iconic bohemian hub frequented by notable contemporaries like Else Lasker-Schüler and Erich Kästner In 1933, she published her first book, “Das Lyrische Stenogrammheft” (“The Lyrical Shorthand Pad”), followed two years later by “Kleine Lesebuch für Große” (“The Little Reader for Grown-Ups”) Kaléko’s work wittily captured the essence of daily urban life during the twilight of the Weimar Republic and through satirical verses explored weighty themes like social injustice and exile After nearly two decades spent in the United States, Kaléko settled in Israel and continued to write poetry for the rest of her life Guest Artist Q&A with Ramona RingToday’s Doodle was illustrated by Hamburg-based guest artist Ramona Ring

Q: What were your first thoughts when you were approached about the project?A: I felt excited; I love reading poetry, especially by women I was happy to dive into the often dark, sometimes bittersweet world Mascha created Also I found it to be a delightful coincidence that Mascha and I share the same birthday I also liked how she talked about leaning against rain clouds in "Die frühen Jahre”: the clouds were a metaphor for the hardship she had to endure already as a young child Those are the elements I drew from her poetry that inspired the Doodle artwork

Q: What message do you hope people take away from your Doodle?A: That it is possible to overcome very difficult circumstances and grow resilient in the face of despair I think expressing yourself through art is one of the most healing things you can engage in Early concepts and sketches of the Doodle

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Дата на публикация: 16 септември, 2020
Категория: Хора и блогове
Ключови думи: Google Калеко гугъл Маша Doodle 2020 Честваме Kaleko Mascha