MLW Underground #5: Satoshi Kojima vs. Vampiro | Mike Awesome vs. Jerry Lynn

•World Heavyweight Title Fight: Satoshi Kojima (Champion) vs. Vampiro
•#1 Contenders Match for the World Heavyweight Title: Mike Awesome vs. Jerry Lynn
•Super Crazy vs. Fuego Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels

This week the biggest prize in MLW is on the line, as Satoshi Kojima has his eyes and his lariat pointed towards one of Mexico’s all-time greatest, Vampiro.

The top challenger for the World Heavyweight Title has been the target of numerous messages from the mysterious Raven, but will have to shift his focus from the enigmatic Raven to the man that has taken MLW by storm, the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, Satoshi Kojima.

Will Vampiro be able to dethrone Kojima and end Kojimania? Or will the man with a lariat that hits harder than a cinder block be able to remain World Heavyweight Champion?
Whoever walks out of this match better have eyes in the back of their head because two of the best wrestlers in the world are facing off to be the one that challenges next for that World Heavyweight Crown.

It will be the man who fell to Kojima in the world championship finals, Jerry Lynn, battling a man known as a gladiator, the master of the Awesome Bomb, and one of the most destructive forces in pro wrestling, Mike Awesome.

Three of the most dynamic athletes in MLW face off in our opening contest, as Fuego Guerrera and Super Crazy meet for the second week in a row on MLW Underground, but this time, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels has inserted himself into what will be a memorable triple threat bout.

PLUS: an update on the MLW Global Tag-Team Crown Championship tournament, and more on Raven’s mysterious issues with Vampiro, and Steve Corino’s venom continues to spew at the Hardcore Icon, Terry Funk.

Joey Styles as he calls the action from the historic War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale.

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Дата на публикация: 14 август, 2020
Категория: Спорт