Заразяване 2011, Бг Аудио (Contagion) Contagion Full movie 2011 / Corona / Covid-19

Заразяване 2011, Бг Аудио (Contagion) Contagion Full movie 2011 / Corona / Covid-19
Film Contagion yang rilis tahun 2011 lalu, kembali populer seiring dengan wabah Virus Corona (COVID-19) yang menyebar ke seluruh dunia.

Film Contagion ini memang memiliki jalan cerita yang nyaris mirip dengan penyebaran Virus Corona.

Diawali dengan satu, dua orang yang terinfeksi kemudian menyebar hingga belasan, puluhan, ratusan bahkan hingga jutaan orang terinfeksi di seluruh dunia.

The Contagion film, which was released in 2011, has once again gained popularity as the Corona Virus (COVID-19) epidemic spreads throughout the world.

This Contagion film does have a storyline that is almost similar to the spread of Corona Virus.

Starting with one, two infected people then spread to dozens, tens, hundreds or even millions of people infected throughout the world.




A husband struggles to cure his wife l Corona Virus l Covid-19


#contagion #covid19 #corona

Дата на публикация: 24 март, 2020
Субтитри от: Alessa
Категория: Трейлъри и анимация
Ключови думи: movie Full 2011 Бг Аудио Corona заразяване COVID-19 (Contagion) Contagion