Otilia - Bilionera (official video) [HOT] HD 1080p

Download the track: https://apple.co/2LxuqFR
Bilionera song is the most successful world wide hit of Otilia. After Bilionera she released other like Diamante, Aventura, Passion.

(C) & (P) 2018 JHaps Records
Licensing & Booking: contact@jhaps.com ( Ionut Bejinariu )

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Otilia online:

Music: Vitan Andrei
Lyrics: Molina Lucas Dario
Orcherstration: Pal Claudiu Ramon, Murariu Andrei Ionut

Director: Richard Stan
Richard Stan Online:

In different countries people are writing wrong as olita otella otilia bruma ottilia otella atila othello bili otılıa bılıonera olivia otilio otalia bilyoner otelia atilia ottilia billionaire otalia otılıa dembaga otila billionaire . The only one correct it's Otilia and her hit Bilionera, Aventura, Prisionera, adelante, Diamante, Latina, I don't know, Balim with Serdar Ortaq, tres amores, Passion with Costi Shaggy Andrea from Bulgaria also Devocion with special guest Sinan Akcil
JHaps Records is an independent record label.
Artists that we manage are Otilia, Andrea, Mario Joy, Eva Pop, Dj Crazy Goat and Lucas Molina.
Our hot releases are similar to Selena Gomez, Dua Lipa, J Balvin, Jade Thirlwall or Demi Lovato, Calvin Harris Taylor Swift Ariana Grande Shakira

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Дата на публикация: 7 март, 2020
Категория: Музика