Отломки от катастрофата на Бонг със 157 пътници от 35 държави и се разби в Етиопия - Ethiopian Airlines flight

Warning: This video may contain images disturbing to some viewers. Discretion advised.

Officials surveyed the wreckage of an Ethiopian Airlines plane on Sunday after it crashed earlier that morning just minutes after taking off.

A total of 157 people were on board, 18 of which were Canadians. All 157 are confirmed to have died.

The flight was flying to Nairobi from Addis Ababa when it crashed just a few minutes into the flight.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/5040395/canadians-ethiopian-airlines-plane-crash/
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Дата на публикация: 10 март, 2019
Категория: Новини
Ключови думи: от се На със разби Катастрофата държави 35 flight airlines Ethiopian 157 пътници отломки Етиопия Бонг