Световни летни олимпийски игри 2015г. (Special Olympics World Games)

Special Olympics World Games 2015 - Videoclip.bg
A young man from Washington, DC is running for a gold medal in track and field at the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles, taking place from July 25 to August 2. Demetrius Cutchin is among the 7,000 athletes from 177 countries participating in the games. As we hear from VOA's Deborah Block, Cutchin hopes to compete in several races.

Originally published at - http://www.voanews.com/media/video/special-olympics-athlete-aims-win-gold-world-games/2870586.html

Дата на публикация: 24 юли, 2015
Категория: Пътуване и събития
Ключови думи: Игри World At win special Летни games gold Olympics (special Олимпийски Games) Athlete 2015 2015г. Aims toСветовни