Първа Пролет е! First Day of Spring - !Пролетно равноденствие Google Doodle 2021

Google Doodle :Първа Пролет е! First Day of Spring - Google Doodle 2021- Първа Пролет е! First Day of Spring - Google Doodle 2021 !Да посрещнем първия пролетен ден с нови надежди за България и за нас!Пролетно равноденствие 2021 с Goodle Doodle Spring Equinox
Честита Първа Пролет Приятели!
The birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and the bees are buzzing as winter comes to an end and the spring season begins Today’s Doodle honors Nowruz, an annual celebration of this first day of spring  For over 3,000 years, people from Central Asia, the Middle East, and the many regions of eastern and central Europe have observed the vernal equinox as a period of renewal and a celebration of human life’s connection with the cycles of nature Along with the growth of new plants, many also welcome the new with a symbolic spring clean, decluttering their homes to invite good fortune into their lives  Happy Nowruz! Here’s to a bountiful year to come Like, Share and Subscribe to Doodle Catalog

Дата на публикация: 19 март, 2021
Категория: Новини
Ключови думи: Google of Пролет First day първа spring Doodle е! 2021