Great Conjunction | Jupiter and Saturn 2020 | Google Doodle Winter Solstice 2020 Northern Hemisphere

Great Conjunction | Jupiter and Saturn 2020 | Google Doodle Winter Solstice 2020 Northern Hemisphere
The Great Conjunction 2020 | Jupiter and Saturn | Google Doodle | Winter 2020 | Northern Hemisphere Celebrating Winter 2020 and The Great Conjunction (Northern Hemisphere)

Today animated Doodle celebrates the Northern Hemisphere’s first day of winter as well as this rare double planet sighting–or “Great Conjunction”–which can be viewed from anywhere around the globe

Jupiter and Saturn Will Form a Rare 'Double Planet' in the Sky Before Christmas

For the first time since the middle ages, Jupiter and Saturn will become so close to each other in the night sky that they'll appear as a brilliantly bright "double planet

On the winter solstice, December 21, the solar system’s two largest planets will be visibly on top of each other in the western sky.

But don’t wait too long, because the planets will dip below the horizon only a couple hours after the sun sets.

You won’t see a similar conjunction this close again until March 15, 2080.

#jupitersaturn #GreatConjunction #Saturn #Jupiter #SaturnJupiterConjunction #jupitersaturn #jupitersaturnconjunction

Дата на публикация: 21 декември, 2020
Категория: Друго
Ключови думи: Google and GREAT winter Doodle Jupiter Northern saturn solstice 2020 Hemisphere Conjunction

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