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Кой е сър Уилям Артър Люис !? Google Doodle Who was Sir W. Arthur Lewis - What You Should Know about Economist Sir W. Arthur Lewis.Сър Уилям Артър Луис (на английски: William Arthur Lewis) е сейнт-лусийски икономист (по това време английска колония), първият цветнокож носител на Нобелова награда за икономика, заедно с Теодор Шулц (през 1979) Sir W. Arthur Lewis or simply Arthur Lewis ( アーサー・ルイス ) was an economist and Nobel Memorial Prize winner in Economic Sciences.
He was also James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University.
St. Lucian economist, professor, and author Sir W. Arthur Lewis, considered one of the pioneers in the field of modern development economics. A trailblazer not only in his research, he was also the first Black faculty member at the London School of Economics, first Black person to hold a chair in a British university (at Manchester University), and the first Black full professor at Princeton University. On this day in 1979, Lewis was jointly awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his pioneering work to model the economic forces that impact developing countries.
William Arthur Lewis was born on January 23, 1915, in Castries on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, at the time a British colony. Despite facing challenges with racial discrimination, in 1932 he won a government scholarship and set out to study at the London School of Economics, where he eventually earned a doctorate in industrial economics. Lewis quickly ascended the ranks of academia and by 33 was a full professor—one of the highest distinctions of a tenured professor.
Lewis shifted his focus to world economic history and economic development and in 1954 published his foundational article “Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour.” Among many valuable accomplishments, Lewis contributed influential work to the United Nations and shared his expertise as an adviser to governments in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. He also helped establish and served as the first president of the Caribbean Development Bank.
In honor of his lifelong achievements, the British government knighted Lewis in 1963.
Дата на публикация: 10 декември, 2020
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